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Monday, March 4, 2013

Who Reviews: 11th Sonic Screwdriver

Now this is another Who Review on the 11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver, not to be confused with this, A real Sonic Screwdriver screwdriver,

No but we mean this Sonic Screwdriver,

The toy version

Now I love this toy! I mean I got it last week and I can't stop pointing it at my room door every time someone asks to come in. I take it almost everywhere with me, and a night I keep it on my nightstand, you never know if there might be an Angel or a Cyberman lurking about! Any way it's so much fun and I totally recommend it for big Whovain fans, but there are some bad things about this toy,


Although it may look like an exact replica of the Sonic it's not,

See in Doctor Who whenever it opens up the Doctor just has to press a button to make it light up and make the whirring noise wether it's opened or closed. But as you can see in the picture above the amazing Doctor, the bottom of the Screwdriver is opened to a red button that when pressed after the Sonic is opened makes the lighting and sound effect. The Doctor has 3 buttons on the side of his Screwdriver, but we only have two and a big red one on the bottom. That's what stinks about it, see when you want to scan something but leave it all opened up like a claw you have to reach all the way down and press the big red button. It ruins the whole epic Whovain moment that we all know and love!!!

Another thing is the price, I just wish it was cheaper but there are so many Whovains out there it's hard to keep all these amazing things in stock. The one I bought was 25$. I was like, WHAT! But being a true Whovain fan, and looking for it everywhere for the past two days, I had to get it.

They're sold everywhere with all different prices all over the internet. But the one I got was sold at Barns & Noble, ah, good old book stores. Anyway, they can be hard to find but for some reason they're sold at almost every book store, weird.

Do I stamp my approval? Well it's kind of up to you but I guess if you wanted it as much as I did, AND you had the money, then yes. 

I Ultimate Whovain Blogger aprove this Screwdriver.

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