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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weekly Whovain Laugh: Month: April Week: 1

Here is a brand new post where weekly i post a few funny Whovain joke pics online, hope you like the 3 for this week!

Thanks for reading! Hope that made all your Whovains day! Sure made mine! Thanks again for reading!

TARDIS News: 50th Anniversary

Hey guys! Another TARDIS News for you! But about a topic many people have been dying to know about, the 50th Anniversary! Yes i have found some mind blowing information that some of you may be dying to know. The link i found it on is below,

Yes it is, the return of the 10th Doctor! I was so excited to find this out! 
10 (David Tennant) is one of my favorite Doctors, along with 11, so when i found out they were going to be in the same episode... i bet you can imagine my excitement. 

But 10 isn't the only one returning to the scene, Billie Piper is back in action as one of our favorite blonds. I don't know exactly how they plan to bring back Rose but whatever it is, i'm just glad to see one of my favorite Doctors and one of my favorite 
companions again.

Another thing that confirms what that website said about 10 being in it is this poster that came out not that long ago, oh i'm so excited for this episode!

Here are a few more posters i found online:

That's the ones i have now, i'll post any more news on the 50th Anniversary as soon as i get it! Thanks for reading!


Be a look out for my next post about Captain Jack's return!

Thanks for reading!

Comments greatly appreciated!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Who Reviews: Bells of Saint John





Ok now that we've got that out of the way lets get back to the review. 

I personally thought that episode was amazing! I loved it! The whole story line was great! I was so excited to see this episode come out, every time someone would come into the room or made noise or something while i was watching i'd go, "SHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" no matter how much noise they were making, "It's very distracting, could you all just stay still for a minute because I AM WATCHING!" Lol, little line from the Pandorica speech there. Anyway definitely a huge thumbs up on this episode, if you haven't seen it yet totally recommend, also if you haven't see the episode scroll to the bottom where i go into more detail. 


One thing that sucked me into the episode was the intro, like up to the theme song. That made me go, "Woh, this is going to be good!" The whole warning thing and the, i don't know where i am, thing was great. It defiantly catches your attention. Although the Wi-Fi sucking in human brains kinda threw me off, i mean it was a really neat idea and all but, i don't know, it just seemed kinda random compared to the other story lines.

Now yes, i'm going to do something that i'm sure many, many people have done, rant about the intro. Now i'm sorry but it's just not the same, for so many years we've gotten used to the classic intro of the TARDIS flying around in a blue, what i think is a worm-hole or the Time Vortex, with lightning striking and everything. That became the well known symbol to Doctor Who, now i saw it coming, i knew they would change it again for the new season but come on! At least make it some what more similar! Don't get me wrong i love the new intro and i think over time i'll get used to it, yes the new intro is cooler and shows this whole 3D journey so to speak but it's not the same! I miss the old intro! It was so good and classic! The only thing that is similar to this intro is the song, which i'm so glad they didn't change because that would be horrible, but i doubt they will because of it being the MAIN THEME SONG! Please don't change it!!!, and the only other thing that was similar is the one scene of the TARDIS flying through the vortex, (Which is now red not blue) but backwards, come on people! You can do better than that!

There are two things i'm dying to talk about before we get started, now when Clara was looking at the book i got distracted by my cousin so i rewound and paused it at the book, now i knew that every little detail in Steve Moffat's stories are important so i looked very closely at the book for about 5 minutes trying to see how it would relate to the story and then i noticed something, the author, if you look closely it says, by Amelia Williams, 
i saw the Amelia part but then i saw her last name and i was like, 
"That's not her, she a Pond not a-" And then i remembered that wasn't her name, not her official name, like the Doctor i like to think of them as Ponds and so sometimes i forget that Rory's last name is Williams and that he married Amy. Now i'm pretty sure that wasn't just coincident, "Never ignore coincidences," Like the Doctor says, yes i know the rest of the line is, "unless you're busy, always ignore coincident." but i'm not that busy.

Now the second thing, when Clara calls the Doctor for Wi-Fi service he asks how she got this number, Oswin says that a woman at a shop gave it to her, that it was the best help line in the galaxy. Who was this woman? Well she obviously knew who the Doctor is and who he's looking for if she has the TARDIS number and knows what Clara looks like, hints the line, best help line in the galaxy. I have a few theories on who it might be, my first one is River, it would make sense because i'm sure she's going to come back. Two is, i know it's a long shot, but Rose. I know i know, you're probably like, what the heck is this person talking about, i know i'm most likely wrong but think about it, she has the TARDIS's number and she used to work at a shop, and also i read that Rose and the Tenth Doctor will be seen at the 50th anniversary, i'm so excited! I'll do a post on that and put the link where i found it, now another theory is that it's Amy, it did some what mention her in this episode already so it would make sense, the only problem with that is that she was sent so far back from the angels with Rory that she shouldn't be able to live that long. Now my last one is it's another Doctor Who companion. I'm guessing someone like Martha or Sarah Jane, i think Sarah Jane because of her appearances through most of the Doctors. But anyway, that would be great if it was any of those characters. 

Ops, i lied, there was 3 things i wanted to talk about. One of the others is, this time i'll be really quick, is that in the Asylum of the Daleks Oswin calls Rory Nina, and in Bells of Saint John there is a girl named Nina. Obviously the one from the Asylum was a future version of her, which means she dies again, but it also means some of her past is bleeding through to her future, there's the Nina thing, the being a nanny thing, her want to travel, the computer intelligence she gains in this episode is used in the asylum, and of course the saying she says every time before she dies, 
"Run, run you clever boy, and remember,"

Now this whole episode is about people getting sucking into the Wi-Fi, well at least their souls or minds, not their bodies, it's all because they click on one Wi-Fi connection that has no passwords and gives off full Wi-Fi.

The Wi-Fi doesn't suck in your body, it seems to only want your mind, leaving your body dead.

The Doctor is then called by Clara when she's having internet problems, this is one of my favorite scenes in the episode, it was so funny how he knocked on the door and how excited he was to see her. I loved the whole scene when he asks her to say Doctor who, that was funny. Some parts were a little awkward but still just as funny. Another thing is when she shuts the door and he runs back to change. I love how he has his bow tie in a special box, totally shows his love for bow ties.

One great line i have to put in here is when he gets back to the house after he changes,

Clara: Why you say mobile phone do you point at that blue box?
Doctor: Because it's a surprisingly accurate description!

Ha ha, made me laugh.

Another scene i liked yet found a little awkward is when he is riding the motorcycle. That became kinda important later on but i think it was a nice comedy touch, you don't really expect the Doctor to ride something like that, especially Matt Smith, he doesn't look really right for a motorcycle, although there are lots of things you don't expect him to do that he does.

Ah yes, and return of the Fez! Can't forget that! Even though it's only a few seconds it's good to see that red hat back on our favorite Time Lord's head.

Now it's also good to see an episode were Clara doesn't die, i was expecting another sad death but Steven tricked me again with keeping her alive.

And once you think you've wrapped your head around this new companion Steven blows your mind again with the appearance of The Great Intelligence. Isn't he dead? It seems every appearance of Oswin has to do with intelligence in some way. It seems we'll never understand Doctor Who.


Over all i think this episode was great, a good balance between comedy and action, as Doctor Who episodes should be, if you haven't seen it yet i highly recommend this. A greatly told story with a lot of explanation. Even though it does skip a few things that could be explained, i think it was great. 

I, Ultimate Whovain Blogger aprove this episode,

My personal ratings:

(1 being the worst, 5 being the best.)


And until the next review, whatever you do, if your trying to get Wi-Fi, 

And please help, i don't know where i am,

And here's something i just want to tell all my followers,


